
Rabbits have a fun week!


What we have been learning

Wow - what  a fun week!  The whole class was finally together so we have been working hard at learning each other's names, sharing and caring. Some great co-operation and fabulous conversations going on. Well done Rabbit Class!


We have been practising our counting and moving things as we count them, and we have been choosing to do this for ourselves in our independent learning which is fantastic. 


What we shall be working on next week

We will be reading the story "The Bug Red Bath" and thinking of alliteration.  We will also be learning rhymes to help us write our numbers.  On Monday, we will be doing our first PE lesson so please make sure shorts and Tshirts are in school. Our key question this term is "Who am I?" so, as part of this, we will ask that your child brings in something special to them.  It could be a cuddly toy, book, blanket but they need to be able to explain why it is special to them. 

How you can help with home learning

Library books have come home today, and these will be changed once a week.  We would really appreciate you spending time reading this to your child and discussing the story. It would also really help if you can model that reading is done from left to right by using your finger to point to the words as you read. 

Any other messages 

Look out for the "new starter" special edition of the local newspaper as we had our class photograph taken this week and I am sure the photo they have taken will be even better than mine! Cheese! What a gorgeous group you are! 
