
Foxes complete their "hot tasks"!


What we have been learning this week

In this final week before half-term the children have been working hard completing 'hot tasks' in English and maths. At the beginning of the half-term the children were given 'cold tasks' as initial assessments. The hot tasks from this week help inform teacher assessments as well as providing the opportunity for the children to discuss their own learning, progress and next steps. The hot task in English was focused on sentence writing and the use of finger spaces, capital letters and full stops.


The hot task in maths had a range of questions based on counting, number recall and place value as this has been our focus this half-term.

During music this week the children have been thinking about sounds they can hear all around. We went over to the trim trail to look for outdoor objects that could be used as our own musical instruments. The children then composed their own tune using all of the different sounds they could hear. 


What we shall be working on next half-term

After half-term we will be starting a new topic called "What is a Celebration?".  In English we will be further developing independence in all aspects of writing (ideas, sentence rehearsal, recording, clarity and presentation) in different genres of writing. In maths we will be exploring 2D and 3D shape and different methods and strategies for addition and subtraction.

How you can help with home learning

By looking for opportunities to link maths to the everyday.  This helps develops fluency in number and makes maths purposeful. For example, at meal times, how many places do you need to set? If each person has a knife and fork, how much cutlery is on the table altogether? How can the ingredients be measured? How can you share (divide) the food between the number of people? How long does the food take to cook?

General Information

Those children who have not yet taken part in Forest School will have the opportunity to do so after half-term, and further details will be issued via email.