
Hard working foxes


What we have been learning this week

This week we have been busy carrying out all sorts of maths assessments and writing 3 pieces of writing to see how much our writing has improved. Mrs Eckstein has been busy checking our phonics ready for our little quiz the 2nd week back after half term. We are really improving and with a little more practice we will be amazing. Some of us continued with division and sharing numbers into groups. Also this week we have been learning about the parts of trees and the Qu'ran and how we have to treat it with respect. It is placed on our prayer table alongside our bible to help us see how important they both are to their respective religions.


What we shall be working on next week

After half term we will be looking at Fractions in Maths and looking at how to improve our sentences by adding adjectives and how to make our sentences longer using the conjunction ‘and’.

How you can help with home learning

Over half term please have a look at the sound sheet which is being sent home to help practice finding sounds in words to read them easier. Please also have a look at Purple mash 'To dos' (children know about these), there are 5 games which are quick to do but will also help with our reading, they don't need to be done on the same day. For spellings over half term, please revisit the spelling rules from this half term as after half term there will be a quiz on words containing these spelling patterns. Feel free to add to your activity passports and enjoy some rest and hopefully some sunshine!

General Information

Don't forget our first Tuesday back is our trip to Waverley Abbey so children will need to be dropped off there and then brought back to school in time for lunch. Thank you.