
Goodbye Frogs xxx


What we have been learning this week 

We have been very busy with lots of maths games this week, sharing fairly the pirate gold and ships biscuits. And playing What’s the time Mr Crocodile? We learned to make and recognise O’clock times. We continued our capacity work while making potions. 


We have been practising reading and writing our digraphs in lists and captions. Some of us even chose to write prayers after reading the story of Daniel in the lions den. 

We have really enjoyed the time spent with our tadpoles and observed many changes however the time has come to release our froglets back into the world. We have said our prayers and asked God to look after our frogs in their new home. 


What we shall be working on next week 

We will be reading The Snail and the Whale and try writing messages like the snail. We will spot words with the ai sound. We will be rhyming words with ball. We will be revising our shape knowledge and comparing sizes. We will also be reading the story of Jonah and the whale from the Old Testament and discussing the friends of God we have learnt about this term. 

Home learning

Test some things out in the bath to see if they float or sink. Keep spotting  telling O’clock times. What time do you go to bed? What time do you get up? What time do you eat lunch?