
Foxes have a very busy week!


What we have been learning this week

This week we have been looking at poetry in English, the children have been experimenting with rhyme and have then created their own artistic poems about space. In maths we have continued with multiplication and have been looking at repeated addition and making arrays. In science this week we have looked at the parts and functions of plants, and in art we have been looking at different artists and their techniques and trying some of these ourselves.


What we shall be working on next week

Next week we will be carrying out our reading and writing assessment just to check on what we have learnt so far. We will be continuing with multiplication in Maths and looking at describing arrays, learning our doubles and beginning to make equal groups from a given number. We will be making our rockets in D.T on Tuesday, so make sure all your materials are in school by then.

How you can help with home learning

Please create a poster about our class rules, some examples are on the slip being sent home. Please also make sure any junk modelling material are in by TUESDAY so we can begin to build our rockets, popular items which were needed are plastic bottles, cardboard boxes, kitchen roll tubes and yoghurt pots. Spellings this week are adding the suffix ‘y' making the ‘ee' sound at the end of words.

General Information

It has been lovely to be back in school this week, thank you to everyone who has asked how I’m doing. Please ensure your forms for our trip to Waverley Abbey are back in school ASAP. Thank you.