
Foxes are maths investigators!


What we have been learning this week

This week in maths we have been investigating fractions, finding ½ and ¼ of shapes and amounts. We folded shapes and shaded in the fractions, and we are beginning to understand how to find ½ and ¼ of a number by sharing.

In literacy this week we have been re-writing the story of "The Three Little Pigs".  We had an unusual twist on the story where the pigs were actually strong knights and they went off to build their own castles!


In topic we had a go at making castles out of different materials to test them for strength. We had some very unusual results and the children were surprised!


What we shall be working on next half-term

Next half-term our topic will be "Joyful Journeys", and there will be a whole school trip on Wednesday, 6 June as a stimulus to this topic. In our writing we will be focusing on stories that involve journeys, and we will also be thinking about the history of flight and how it has evolved.

How you can help with home learning

As we have been finding fractions of amounts this week, it would be great if you could continue this conversation with your child over half-term.  Perhaps finding half of a packet of sweets, or cutting fruit into halves or quarters? Any discussion involving how we can make 2 equal groups when halving or four equal groups when quartering would be really helpful. As always, reading will be a key focus, making sure that your child continues to practice reading to improve their fluency and understanding of what they are reading.

General information

Thank you so much for your patience this half-term. The children have been fantastic and worked very hard. I am looking forward to the next half-term with them where we will be preparing them for their own journey into a new class and becoming the oldest children in the school.

Please have a peaceful half-term and come back fully rested and refreshed on Tuesday, 5 June as the previous day is an INSET Day and school is closed.