
Rabbits and some Ladybirds!


In Rabbit class this week there was so much maths to explore. We doubled spots on ladybirds and learned to tell the time. We are really good at o'clock times and started talking about half past times. We changed one of our favourite games from "Mr Wolf" to play "What's the time Mrs Ladybird?"!  Great fun and we spotted times on clocks. 


We wrote speech bubbles for the characters all by ourselves. We tried to use what we have learnt about being kind, caring and sharing so our characters spoke in friendly ways. 

We are really enjoying using the new equipment on the field as it's helping us use lots of our characteristics of effective learning. We have to take risks, try new things, stick at it, take turns, concentrate, move in creative ways and work as teams. We have challenged ourselves to do things in different ways each time. On top of all this, there are the physical skills, such as balance and improving the strength in our arms and legs. We are so proud of ourselves with our achievements. Keep up the good work Rabbits!


What a busy week we have had! 

Home learning for this week can be reinforcing telling o'clock times as you have really enjoyed this. Can you play dominoes and spot the double numbers? Can you  spot the keywords, "they" or "you", in your reading or library book? 

Next week another of my favourite Eric Carle stories, "The Very Hungry Caterpillar", so it'll be time to practise the days of the week and talking about healthy eating. 

Have a great time at the Summer Fair this weekend.