
Badgers keep on timing!


In maths Badgers have been persevering with learning how to read the time and most can now tell and write the time to 5 minutes. Telling the time comes with practise so please continue to include times of the day in everyday conversations with your children.

In English this week Badgers completed their bike designs and writing the information about them. They produced some wonderful pieces of writing! They then read "The Owl Who Was Afraid of The Dark". The children loved this story! They were given the chance to act out the story with a partner and draw a story map to show the story's key parts. Next week children will be innovating their own version of the story by changing the character and who the character might meet. The pictures below show the children working in pairs to act out the story.


We have now started our new topic "Amazing Animals".  Badgers started off the topic by investigating nocturnal animals and diurnal animals. This also linked to the story they have been reading in English and will help with their story writing next week.

Badgers also had the pleasure of meeting baby Amelia this week. The children were asked to think of questions they could ask Mrs Borland about what Amelia can do now that she couldn’t do when she was first born, what she will start to do very soon, and how she communicates with people when she can’t talk yet. The children loved this and they certainly learnt a lot about how we grow and develop.  A big thank you to Mrs Borland and Amelia!


Next week children will become story writers and will create their own version of  "The Owl Who Was Afraid of The Dark".  In maths they will be thinking about measure, and they will be measuring length, mass and capacity.

Show and tell for Monday, 15 May will be Silver group.