
Badgers finish their quizzes!


All of Badgder Class has worked extremely hard over the past few weeks and should be very proud of themselves.  Well done!

In maths this week the children have been thinking about measure.  They have been estimating and weighing mysterious packages, and have also been estimating and measuring capacity, height and length. So all the children in Badger Class should now be able to bake a cake and measure the ingredients out very accurately!



In English this week the children have been continuing to write some wonderful versions of "The Owl Who Was Afraid of the Dark". They have come up with some brilliant ideas and introduced some exciting characters. They have carefully been editing their work, with their purple polishing pencils as they go, to make sure their stories are perfect.

In ICT this week Badger Class were starting to think about programming. Mrs Kibbler pretended to be a robot. The robot needed to be given very precise instructions to make a jam sandwich. Initially the children’s instructions were very vague and the robot began to make some dreadful mistakes! Eventually the children began to give more detailed instructions and finally the jam sandwich was made.


Next week Badgers will be finishing off their stories and hopefully will be able to share some of them with Rabbit Class in the new gazebo. They will then begin to think about writing a set of instructions.  Badgers will finish off their stories and begin to write a set of instructions.

In maths the children will be learning about money next week. They will also have their visit from "Wild Science" to look forward to on Wednesday afternoon.

Show and tell on Monday, 22 May will be Emerald group.