
Fox Class carry on measuring!


What we have been learning this week

In maths this week the children have continued to explore, practise and use the 2s and 5s pattern. During one session the children worked independently or with a partner to choose ways of displaying these patterns.


They were given a range of resources and were fantastic at explaining what they had done. They also began comparing and measuring length in non-standard units (cubes, feet, etc). 


In English the children became authors and began writing their own stories based on "The Rainbow Fish". In other English sessions the children focused on handwriting, spellings, grammar and punctuation. Within these sessions the children were asked to look at their own and their peers' learning and find aspects which were good and other aspects which could be improved. This encouraged good discussions about what the children can be proud of in their learning and their next steps. 

We also began a science investigation this week. We started by asking and discussing 'what is science?' The children had some great ideas and most agreed that it was about finding things out and that asking questions is very important in science. We are currently finding out what will happen to two pieces of bread left in the classroom. One was touched by all the children before being left and one was only moved using tongs or by someone wearing clean gloves. We are using our learning tool of 'noticing' to look daily and observe any changes. 

What we shall be working on next week

Next week the children will complete their story writing and begin to learn about the Easter story. In maths we will continue learning about length and height. 

How you can help with home learning

Can your child find any tools, symbols or measuring scales on items around your home or garden?  What are they used for?  How do they work?  What is the unit of measurement?  Although we are currently learning about length, it is useful for children to be able to compare measuring tools for length, weight and capacity.

General information

Some parents have enquired about when the children are asked to change their reading books. The children are asked to do this during our daily guided reading session before they begin their reading activity, as long as they have already read their current one. They are given the opportunity to change their library book with a parent helper on a Monday.