
Foxes Get Prompting!


Continuing the work we have been doing on different roles people had in castles, the children used prompt cards to help develop high quality role play activities.  They worked hard on their speaking and listening skills, discussions of feelings and ways of imparting the information they found out. 


This work then led on beautifully to diary writing where each child took on their different roles. 


We have also enjoyed indoor and outdoor PE this week. Over on our field we spent a lovely sunny afternoon practising ball skills. We worked together in pairs passing and controlling footballs. We also practised our 'dodging' skills for rugby by playing Piggy in the Middle and using our rugby tags to play a catching game of Cats and Mice. In the hall we were learning to balance, move in different ways and show control with our movements.


This led into some travelling and balancing skills which then went on to form a sequence.


Homework – please find phonics homework in your child’s book-bag.