
Fox Class check out vegetable weights!


What we have been learning this week

In maths this week the children have been weighing lots of different fruits and vegetables.


They have compared weight using their hands and are now able to use balance scales to compare different weights of objects, using cubes to compare.


In English, the children have recreated a setting and character with a plan, ready to write a new adventure based on "Lost and Found".  The children have enjoyed describing places and objects using adjectives and similes.

As it has been "Keeping Safe" week we have worked on personal safety as well as keeping safe on our roads or in a fire and, appropriately for this week, sun safety too!  We have also looked at keeping safe when using the internet. Hopefully your child will be able to tell you all about being safe!

What we shall be working on next week

In maths we will be returning to place value, thinking about how a number can be partitioned, eg, tens and ones.  We will compare numbers and attempt to solve real life problems.

In English the children will be writing their stories, focusing on rehearsing what they would like to write, before they write it. 

In topic lessons next week we will be busy preparing our art ready for our big exhibition. We will also look at the hot and cold places around the world in Geography. 

How you can help with home learning

I have seen a real improvement in the children’s spelling scores over the past two weeks. Thank you to all parents who have been practising with their children.  It makes a huge difference. This week at home it would be fantastic if you could perhaps do some cooking with your child, weighing ingredients and looking at how much the ingredients weigh. If that is not possible, just comparing weights of things around the house would really consolidate their learning.  I know that the children are tired in this heat but if we could continue reading daily, the benefits to your child’s reading and writing are significant.

Enjoy your weekend and I hope that the sunshine continues.