
Sporty Foxes!


Fox Class thoroughly enjoyed Sports Day on Wednesday and thankfully the sun shone all afternoon!

Races included the obstacle race, sprint and the egg and spoon race for Yr 1. We were so proud of what good sports all the children were and how well they listened throughout our practices and the afternoon itself. After all the sporting activities, they enjoyed some yummy ice cream - thank you to the PTA!


This week in Literacy Foxes have been using their phonic skills to solve puzzles, play phonic snakes and ladders, read real and alien words, read some tricky sentences and write words from memory. 

In group time children ordered the days of the week and the months which will be our spellings for the next few weeks. Our role play area has become an international airport which links into our topic of "Journeys"  this half term. Using the new magic carpet Foxes are able to fly away to so many different places - where will the magic carpet take you? 


Next week we will continue to look at sentence structure, focusing on punctuation and learning to check our work and correct it independently.

In Maths this week we have revisited 2D and 3D shapes, looking at shapes we have around us and at home and how we can tell them apart. We then cut, stuck and sorted some shape pictures. 

Next week we will be learning to tell the time to the hour and half past the hour, drawing hands on a clock face to show these times, as well as solving problems using time language. We will continue to recognise and use language relating to dates, including days of the week, months and years. 

Our topic work this week was lots of fun as we learnt about pioneering women in the past, focusing on Amelia Earhart and her amazing determination to fly solo around the world. Foxes watched an informative video before they made an information aeroplane with facts and dates to hang up in our classroom. This half-term we are going to discover and think about the different countries Amelia would have flown over during her flights as part of our "Wonderland" project.

Next week, we will be visiting Woolmer Hill School on Thursday to take part in a Confederation Multi-Sports Morning, returning at lunchtime.