
Foxes "Keep Safe" this week!


What we have been learning this week

The children have demonstrated fantastic speaking and listening skills during our "Keeping Safe" Week. They have taken part in activities to explore online safety, secrets or surprises, fire safety and road safety. The children listened to each other's ideas and thoughts with respect and asked good questions.


In maths we continued to learn about the value of coins and using money. The children selected coins to make totals to pay for things in our role-play area and then moved on to using subtraction to work out change from 10p, 20p or 50p.

This week the children also really enjoyed their trip to Waverley Abbey and a visit from the Fire Brigade.

In DT the children worked in partners to create model vehicles.


We provided a variety of construction and joining materials and asked that the children had to include axles and wheels. They all worked brilliantly together and demonstrated great problem solving skills. Next we'll be testing how they travel before displaying them at our Celebration Evening.

What we will be working on next week

Next week in literacy the children will be writing their stories about going on a journey to an enchanted wonderland. In maths we will be learning about measuring capacity and length. The children will also get another opportunity to meet their teacher for next year, Mrs Bartely, when they spend an afternoon in Badger Class.

How parents can help with home learning

To support "Keeping Safe" week, please spend some time talking to your child about what they have learnt this week. It would also be useful to help them learn their home address and a relevant telephone number.