
Foxes are real mathematicians!


What we have been learning this week

What a busy week! In maths this week the children have been comparing numbers in different ways. They have used different tools to help them and lots of practical resources.


In English the children have written their stories based around "Lost and Found" using their senses to make their writing more interesting. 

In the afternoons we have been learning all about trees and understanding if they are deciduous or evergreen. The children sorted leaves and looked around the school grounds at the amazing varieties of trees that we have. We decided that we were very lucky to go to school in such a lovely setting.


What we shall be working on next week

In maths we will be ordering numbers based upon size, and thinking about using the right language to compare them. 

We will also be preparing for Sports Day on Tuesday - please note that, as mentioned in Mrs Morris' newsletter, the children can come to school in their PE kit that day.  We will also be learning about how far away places are around the world. 

How you can help with home learning

Please look around your home and nearby and see what types of trees there are near you. Can you spot the difference between the deciduous tree leaves and evergreen tree leaves? 

General information

As mentioned, Tuesday is Sports Day. There will be lots of fun and frolics on the field so please remember to put sun cream on before school and also remember the event will be kicking off with parents meeting us over on the field for family picnics!  We look forward to seeing you there!