
Rabbits get busy with their Big Work-Out!


What we have been learning this week

This week has been another busy one, and we all really enjoyed our big work-out on Monday. We all had a favourite activity - for some it was the throwing and catching, for others the hoop, hopping, the trim trail or the hill climb.  Lots of us were excited about the hill climb and started at great speed but the pace slowed quickly when we realised how long five minutes actually is!  So please help us to support the work of the NSPCC - the post box for sponsorship forms is by the classroom door. 


We have also been continuing our art project for the Celebration Evening and hope you are going to love our pieces - we are not giving anything away in photographs yet! 

We all enjoyed our visit to Year One with our new teachers. You are going to be fabulous Foxes! 

And in dance and music this wek, you all appreciated a piece of music called "The Flight of the Bumblebee". 

Finally, I just have to share a photograph of our fantastic police officers and road safety in action. 


What we shall be working on next week

Next week we will be showing what we know in phonics, recognising all 44 sounds, and also recognising and ordering numbers to 20.  We are very much looking forward to Celebration Evening, too, and hope to see you all there.

How you can help with home learning

Can you write your numbers round the correct way? What could you use to check, eg, the clock or a remote control. Where else can you spot numbers in your home? 

General Information

Coming home in the book-bag tonight will be your child's report.  Please comment and sign in the last section, and then return that section only to us. 

See you at Celebration Evening on Tuesday for art, music and refreshments!