
Foxes learn about observational drawing


What we have learnt this week

This week we have been learning about Addition in Maths and even starting to use pictorial methods to help us work out the calculations. In English we have started learning about Harry and the Bucketful of dinosaurs, looking at story structures and Characters. We had great fun showing off our toys on Wednesday and have produced some great observational drawings of them. 


What we shall be working on next week

Next week we will be looking at subtraction and again trying out pictorial methods of working out the calculations as well as using our existing knowledge to help us. We will also be revisiting Geography and using what we know to think about different continents and climates where different toys originate from.

How parents can help with home learning

Please help your child to learn their lines for our class poem and discuss with them the continents of the globe so this information is fresh in their minds for Geography next week.