
Foxes start "finding the difference"!


What we have been learning this week

This week the children have been focusing on subtraction methods in maths. We have used a variety of practical resources, drawing strategies and mental calculations to solve subtraction problems.  Towards the end of the week the children were introduced to "finding the difference" between two numbers.  This was taught using practical equipment and counting on from the lowest to highest value number to find "the difference".

In literacy the children have continued to think about the story “Katie and the Artists”.  The children have imagined going on their own painting adventures by working in pairs, groups and individually to develop ideas through speaking and listening activities before plotting their ideas on story maps.


In PHSE the children listened to the story “A Bucket Full of Love”.  This story encourages children to think about how they can make themselves, and others, happy throughout each day by filling imaginary buckets with good thoughts, words and deeds.  In RE the children began a new session by looking at the Bible and sharing and drawing books that are special to them and illustrating why these books are special.  Then they discussed what they already know about the Bible. We will use their current knowledge to plan for the following sessions.


What we shall be working on next week

Next week the children will write their adventure stories about stepping into a painting.  They will be encouraged to think about a clear beginning, middle and ending for their story and using story language.  In maths we will continue exploring subtraction before moving onto exploring the relationship between addition and subtraction.

How you can help with home learning

When discussing any maths at home please model varied language for each operation and encourage the children to use these words.  For addition we say, add, count on, more and plus. For subtraction we say, take away, count back, less and minus.  For equals we say, how many altogether, how many left.

General information

Spellings will now continue to take place on Tuesday.  Please ensure your child has their spelling book each Tuesday so they can receive their new list, and so that we can look through their book for evidence of practise.  Many thanks.