
Badgers and The Gingerbread Man!


What we have been learning this week

This week the children have been learning all about "The Gingerbread Man", multiplication and a little bit about how to make and read maps.


This week in maths Badger Class has recapped what multiplication means and practised using the x symbol within their calculations. We have also been writing some of our own multiplication problems and drawing pictures to help us to solve problems.

In English we have been retelling the story of "The Gingerbread Man". We decorated gingerbread men and retold the story orally, as well as a puppet show version to show how we use directed speech.


During the afternoons we have used the map to help us to understand what its job is. We looked at a map of the United Kingdom as well as Google Maps to see it digitally. We have now made our own map of the school using photographs, and then a map of Churt using symbols.


What we shall be working on next week

Next week in maths we will be investigating division and the relationship to multiplication. In English we will begin to imitate the story of "The Gingerbread Man" by writing about an apple that comes to life. The children will be learning to use different sentence starters and the features of a traditional tale.

How you can help with home learning

To support your child at home please could you tell them some traditional tales that you remember from your own childhood. Many of the stories that we learn as children are forgotten as we often forget to tell them. There are some lovely storybooks out there, or even better, have a go at retelling the story together. They have loved the familiar repeated phrases and it would be lovely if we could share some of these in our ‘News’ on Monday.

General information

A quick reminder please: we have been talking to the children of the importance of drinking water and some are forgetting to bring in their water bottle. Please could a labelled water bottle come into school each day so that they have access to fresh drinking water throughout the day. Thank you.  Also, PE kits should now all be back in school. We have a small collection of left-over PE kit items that are not being claimed and, as some are not labelled, it’s difficult to return them to the correct person. Many thanks for your help with this.