
Badger Class learn all about poetry


What we have been learning this week

This week we have been looking at poetry and understanding that poems don’t always have to rhyme. To link with our Values Day on Monday we wrote poems which celebrated our good, and not so good, points. We had fun thinking about ridiculous excuses that people may have used when something was broken and wrote a poem using these ideas.


This week in maths Badger Class have been looking at different pictograms and answering questions about what they tell us. We have also begun learning about 2D and 3D shapes, solving riddles to find a shape and some of us wrote our own riddles.


During the afternoons we have been practising our class assembly - we hope you enjoyed watching it as much as we all enjoyed performing it. We also had our Values Day on Monday where we shared compliments and love with our Year R buddies. We noticed how good we felt when we paid a compliment, as well as receiving one.


What we shall be working on next half-term

Next half-term in maths we will be continuing to learn about shape and patterns.  We will then move on to fractions as well as measurement using length and height.  In English and topic we will be learning about the Victorians and writing about our visit out.

How you can help with home learning

To support your child at home it would be great if you could look around and see if children can spot some 2D and 3D shapes. Can the children name them and tell you all about them?

General Information

Just a reminder, library day for Badger Class is Thursday. Please can children bring in their books to change them weekly?

Please enjoy time with your children over the half-term. It would be really helpful if you could keep their brains ticking over with reading, spelling and times tables. It doesn’t need to be onerous, just quick number bond games, spelling words as they walk and climb stairs, and adding numbers whilst shopping.

Happy half-term!