
Badgers were amazing in "Whoops-a-Daisy Angel"!


What we have been learning this week

Wow!  What an amazing class of Brilliant Badgers we are!  We rehearsed really hard for our performances of "Whoops-a-Daisy Angel" and we hope you all managed to come along to watch. Now the festivities can really begin for Christmas!


This week in maths Badger Class has been learning about arrays and how multiplication can be done in any order. We used Numicon to help us to remember that all ‘groups’ must be equal.  We drew our own arrays, and also thought about how we could group objects into equal groups.


In English we have been thinking about how to use conjunctions in our writing, to add extra information and join clauses together.  We know a clause should have a noun and a verb! We also know that we shouldn’t begin a sentence with a conjunction…


During the afternoons we were practising for our Christmas production and beginning to get festive with lots of Christmas art.  We hope you enjoy looking at our crafts as much as we have enjoyed making them.

We finished our science topic by looking at how different materials can twist, bend and stretch.  

We also spent some time practising for our Christingle Service next Thursday.

What we shall be working on next week

Next week is another busy one. We have our Secret Santa on Tuesday afternoon. Hopefully those of you who wanted a ‘surprise’ have already ordered yours with Karen?  Wednesday is our Christmas lunch, and a little party afterwards.  Please remember that Wednesday is mufti day. Thursday is our last day in school, beginning with our Christingle Service at church.  Please don’t forget that we finish early at 2pm on Thursday!

How you can help with home learning

You are all so supportive and I’d like to take this opportunity to thank you for all of the work that you do at home with your children. It really does make a massive difference as, even with our best efforts; there are some things that the children still need your help with at home. We would be really grateful if you could make sure that children are resting as much as possible (I know that’s easier said than done) so that they are still ready to learn at school. I know it’s a hectic time of the year but we still have many things to teach and cover in the curriculum.

A quick note

We try to make sure that the children’s Friday spelling test scores are recorded into their yellow spelling books, which come home daily. On the back page of the book there is a list of any spellings that your child spelt incorrectly. We will, of course, be looking at spellings again, however, it would be fantastic if you could use some time over the holidays to look at these spellings with your child. Spelling is a very high priority when assessing your child at the end of the year against the government’s expectations.

Show & Tell until Easter

Days         Fruit Group

5.1.18       Grapes


12.1.18      Oranges


19.1.18      Apples


26.1.18      Blueberries


2.2.18        Cherries
