
Badgers try to solve a mystery!


What we have been learning this week

What a strange week we’ve had this week!  It all began with some mysterious findings in the gazebo. The children became reporters when the remnants of a party were discovered on Monday morning....


This week in maths Badger Class has been counting and problem solving using multiplication. We have drawn out the multiplications as arrays (pictures) and been practising counting in multiples of 2, 5, 10 and 3.

In English we have been investigating newspaper reports. We became reporters and had a go at filming our news reports. We know what reports look like and as part of our "Big Write", we have had a go at writing our own. We have been learning how to write in a more formal tone through learning about contractions during spelling lessons.



This week we are coming to the end of our Great Fire of London topic. On Thursday, the children made their houses, as part of our Design Technology lesson, and re-enacted the events of The Great Fire of London. We set fire to ‘Pudding Lane’ to see just how quickly the fire would have spread.


The children have also begun rehearsing for the Christmas production.

What we shall be working on next week

Next week in maths we will be problem-solving using multiplication facts.  In English we will deepen our understanding for writing reports, in readiness to write our own final report about the events of The Great Fire of London. On Tuesday we will be going to Woolmer Hill School to take part in a multi-sports event which will include meeting children from other local schools. Please make sure that your child has their PE kit in school for this, including trainers or plimsolls.

How you can help with home learning

To support your child at home please could you help them to learn their words for the Christmas production. If you could also send in any costumes as soon as possible, we will make sure that they are stored, ready for our big performance.

General information

A quick reminder - please could I remind parents that coats should be in school now every day. It has become very cold and some children have not brought coats in with them.  Thank you.