
Foxes carry on with their science!


What we have been learning this week

The Foxes have continued with their science this week, completing the planting of the vegetable box and also carrying out an experiment.  Their task was to find out which material would make the most effective umbrella to keep the Queen’s crown dry!  There was much fun, laughter and screams of delight when they discovered that the water passed through some materials while others were waterproof – the paper crowns did not survive the experience!

We have also moved our maths learning back to number-based activities following our week of measurement.  We have been learning skills to support multiplication and division by grouping and sharing as well as counting in 2s, 5s and 10s. 

Our games session this week was led by the All Stars Cricket coach who taught the children how to bowl.  The aim was to encourage the children’s interest in cricket and make them aware of the cricket opportunities offered by Churt Cricket Club.  Some of the children already play but there is a very active girls’ and boys’ section at the Club which has always been popular with children at St John’s.

The children were clearly thrilled with their visit to Windsor Castle.  They will be following this up with more learning about castles and royalty, extending to geographical knowledge about the British Isles.  Many thanks to Mrs Kibbler for leading the trip and to the staff and parents who accompanied the children.


How you can help with home learning

Please do continue to work with the children on their reading.  They should be bringing home plenty of books that they are able to read to you as they are given the opportunity to change their reading book every day.  We are also very grateful to Mrs Cowan who comes in each week to change the children’s library books.  If you are able to come in and read with the children, your help would be much appreciated.  Please do come and talk to us about this. 

The children’s spelling tests are carried out on a Tuesday and their next spelling list goes home on a Wednesday.  Many of the children have been struggling to do the spellings in the test but it appears that this is mostly because they have not practised at home.  If your child is particularly struggling with their spelling practise, please do come and see us.  We understand that occasionally there may be family circumstances that make regular practise difficult.  However, it is important not only that they learn to spell but also that they recognise ‘homework’ as being a regular and normal commitment.

General Information

Apologies for not organising ‘Show and Tell’ sooner.  The dates are as follows:

  • Strawberries – 27 April
  • Grapes – 4 May
  • Bananas – 11 May
  • Oranges – 18 May
  • Apples - 25 May