
Fox Class goes "green"!


What we have been learning this week

Welcome back to the Summer term!  Foxes have been enjoying the sunshine and the opportunity to spend more time outside.  This week we have enjoyed a super PE session on our school field where the children (and teachers!) concentrated on their bat and ball skills as well as playing some new games. 


We have also been busy digging our vegetable patch in readiness for some planting as part of our Science Week.  We are hoping to begin by planting potatoes that will be ready to harvest in late June and we will be able to watch other vegetables grow throughout the term. 

In English we have been reading the books about "Michael Recycle" and "Litterbug Doug".  The children spent time thinking about the characters and used puppets with a partner to create their own little plays. 

Our maths sessions have continued to focus on fluency with number in our starter sessions, and then we have been busy measuring weight and capacity.  We used balance scales to find heavier and lighter items as well as measuring weight against numbers of cubes. 


We completed our week with a lovely art and PSHE session thinking of the colours that we see around us as the world wakes up from the long Winter.  We will be putting the children’s paintings up in the corridor when they are complete. 

How you can help with home learning

This week we talked to the children about homework and learning out of school.  Lots of the children were eager to share their experiences over the holiday time which were great to hear.  Now that we are back at school, we are hoping that everyone will give reading top priority so that each child can really make some great progress over their final term in Yr 1.  We give the children the opportunity to change their reading book every day, if necessary, and ask you to continue to write in their red record books whenever your child reads to you.  Please also continue to work on weekly spellings and homework which come out on a Tuesday.

Our maths learning over the next few weeks will focus on early skills that prepare the children for multiplication and division.  This involves a lot of practical grouping and sharing and using vocabulary such as "lots of", "equal groups" and "share equally".  To support your child, ask them to count out small items and then share them into different numbers – for example, take 12 Lego pieces, can they share them into twos, threes, fours etc...?  Which numbers can 12 NOT be shared into?  How many equal groups do they have? 

General information

Please will you check that your child has his or her PE kit in school.  In warm weather they wear their shorts and T-shirt to the field but they should also have a fleece or tracksuit top in school colours.  Some children like to wear tracksuit bottoms (again in school colours, please).  Please also make sure your child’s trainers still fit!