
Badgers and science and rhyme!


What we have been learning about this week

This week in English the children have been looking at rhyme, rhyming patterns and creating their own silly rhyming sentences. 

In maths the children have been using their knowledge of adding on a numberline to support subtraction on a blank numberline. We have also concentrated on counting forwards and backwards in 10s from any number, and also counting back in 1s. 

As it has been Science Week this week, the children have been busy planning and carrying out their own experiments, whilst continuing to learn about the seasons, and looking for signs of new life. The children also learnt how to categorise if something is alive, dead or was never alive at all!


What we shall be working on next week

In English next week the children will be planning their own animal story. They will then begin to write it, with a focus on description and use of adverbs in their writing. In maths next week children will be learning about time. 

How you can help with home learning

When reading with your child try and vary the types of questions you are asking. See if they can find examples of things in the text and can prove their answer by finding the exact words. You could use the fish with spellings on it to make a story. This is a good way to practise spellings. In maths you could discuss time with your child, looking at the clock often, and discuss what the hands do. 

General information

As there is no more Forest School this term for Badger Class, Show and Tell will go back to being on a Friday. New Show and Tell dates are: 

  • Grapes - Friday, 27 April
  • Orange - Friday, 4 May
  • Apples - Friday, 11 May
  • Blueberries - Friday, 18 May 
  • Cherries - Friday, 25 May

Please make sure your child has the correct PE kit in school - outdoor PE is on a Wednesday and indoor PE is on a Friday. 

Spelling tests will be on Thursdays, with new spellings being given out on Fridays, as well as new homework.