
Foxes and plates of salad!


In literacy this week we have been learning about instructions. We looked at different examples to find features that were similar or different and explored instructional language. We also had great fun following instructions to make a salad face and wrote our own receipes.


In maths we have continued to learn about the value of each digit in two-digit numbers. We used resources to show numbers in their tens and units. We have also investigated how single digit numbers of the same value can be presented in different ways using ten frames.


We are continuing to observe the growth of our potatoes. We have also started a science experiment this week to find out if we can get a bean seed to sprout in a plastic bag so that we can see its growth. We learnt that seeds need warmth and water to grow. The children were given a clear sandwich bag, water, a seed, a paper towel and some soil. They chose to use soil or a paper towel to keep their seed warm. The children then decided to stick their bags to the classroom window so that they could get as much light and warmth as possible. We will keep watching them carefully to see if they need watering or if any seeds sprout!


Next week we will be learning about the traditional tale of "The Enormous Turnip" in literacy and will work on alternative endings.  In maths we will be working on recognising amounts and digits which are more, less or equal in value.  We will also look at odd and even numbers.

We hope you all enjoy the long weekend.