
Badgers are doubling and halving!


What we have been learning this week

This week in maths Badgers have been working on doubling and halving. They have been learning that to halve a whole number it must be even and when you double any whole number, the answer will always be even.


We even tried some word problems to see when we might use doubling and halving.


In English we have been learning about word classes of nouns, verbs and adjectives. We named things around the classroom (including Mrs Margretts!) and used them to write a harvest themed poem.


As part of our topic, "Fighting Fit", we have learnt about how to keep clean and be hygienic. Hopefully the children have all come home and insisted on having a daily bath or shower?!

We had a healthy café in our role play this week. The children loved shopping for the ingredients and setting a table for their paying guests!


What we shall be working on next week

Next week in Maths we will be learning how to add numbers accurately on a numberline and using other resources. In English we will be creating a fact file about the four countries that make up the United Kingdom. We will also be concentrating on how to clean our teeth for Science and of course, it’s our Harvest Festival on Thursday morning.

How you can help with home learning

To support your child at home you could practise number bonds to 10 and 20 with them. They should be able to tell you how many more you need to add to a number to make 10 or 20. Of course, reading at home would be very much appreciated. Our Reading Race Track is almost ready and we have some clear winners already.

Can you help?

As it’s our Harvest Festival on Thursday we will be making bread in class on Wednesday morning. We would be really grateful if a couple of parents could spare some time in the morning to help us to make our bread


A reminder that PE is on a Tuesday and Wednesday each week. Please make sure that children have a pair of trainers to wear over at the field and that their PE kit is named.