
Rabbits Dance with Dragons


What we have been learning  this week

We have learned the tricky diagraphs th and ng - you are all doing so well with these. We were very proud to hear all of your answers about what you are good at even if you have to try really hard at it. You gave fantastic answers such as tying up shoe laces, doing up zips, loading the dishwasher, swimming, making things and reading. Great - sticking at it pays off and success feels fantastic. You all talked about yourself so positively. We have explored melting ice both in lessons and in play. 

We began our learning about Chinese New Year this week with a workshop of dancing. We learned lion and dragon dances. 


What we will shall be working on next week

We will be continuing our learning about Chinese New Year it’s traditions and celebrations. We will hear the Chinese New Year story and find out why each year is named after an animal. We will learn the phonics that fit with this ch and ear. 

How you can help with home learning

See your th and ng letter learning sheets. Keep talking about taking away number stories “ If I have 3 fish fingers and I take away 1 how many are left?” 

General Information

We are still looking for parent helpers so if you would like to help out please speak to one of us. 

Please remember to check your child’s clothes are well named as we are finding it hard to return items to the correct person. 

Thank you very much for my birthday wishes you are all very kind.